Dr. 奥利获得注册医疗主任荣誉



奥兰多V. 费尔南多,医学博士,获得了注册医疗主任的称号  (CMD)由美国急性和长期护理医学委员会(ABPLM). 最著名的是“博士. 奥利,” he is an internal medicine and primary care provider for 采用医疗 as well as Certified Medical Director for the Appling Rehabilitation & 护理馆.

Dr. 奥利是全美仅有的2400名cmd中的一员. To become a CMD, physicians must be board certified before they can even apply (Dr. 只有内科医师获得了委员会认证。. The rigorous training and credentialing program focuses on the clinical and management knowledge specific to long-term care and the unique needs of older adults.

足球比赛下注为他感到骄傲. 奥利 and his commitment to ensuring our patients and nursing home residents receive the highest quality care,安德里亚·格雷厄姆说。, 苹果医疗保健公司的CEO. 投资博士. 奥利 as a Certified Medical Director is the right step toward creating a positive, 支持和安全的环境,促进愈合和健康. The end result will be improved outcomes for our patients, residents and their families.”

根据ABPLM, 以获得CMD的区分, providers must have management and clinical experience within post-acute and long-term care, meet professional development requirements and show competence in clinical medicine and medical management specific to post-acute and long-term care.

Dr. 奥利自1998年以来一直在apple Healthcare工作, and all of those years he has worked directly with Appling County’s older population to include: the Appling Nursing Home, 申请康复中心, 行为健康组(现为长者护理组), 现在是亭疗养院. 此外,他还是Comfort Care Hospice的医疗总监.

Dr. 只有初级保健医生马特·霍奇斯, FNP-BC, 还有护理团队的其他成员, 从左至右:道恩·约翰逊,
Clarity Labs; Trina Barlow, LPN; Gina Griffin, Receptionist; Cassie McLain, LPN; and Jennifer Campbell, 医生办公室联络

据博士说. 奥利, the CMD credentialing program was very in-depth and lasted more than 18 months. “它包括几乎每晚的在线讲座和会议,”他说. “I was also able to meet live online with other medical directors who are my peers and also in the program to discuss various cases and how to approach them. I also traveled to workshops in Texas to learn from the experts on more intensive topics such as case management with other medical directors, 其中一些人已经获得了认证.”

现在他已经完成了这个项目,正式成为一名CMD. 奥利知道他可以提供所需的专家领导和指导, 特别是对applinghealthcare 's Pavilion养老院的临床工作人员.

“Now I feel much more confident that what we’re doing is right as we approach cases in a more scientific, 证明的方法,他说. “I can reach out to references and contacts I’ve made through this credentialing process to discuss a case or ask advice. I also have the resources available through the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine that can help me as well as nursing staff in problem solving and managing cases.”

Dr. 只和凯拉·莫里斯,接待员

Dr. 奥利 also pointed out that the nursing staff are still the primary healthcare providers at the Pavilion. “根据指导方针, 我的主要职责是监督, 协调护理, 确保所有政策都得到遵守, 而且该设施符合州和联邦法律,他说.

Dr. 他还担任医疗审查官超过15年, 为Plant Hatch等公司管理工作场所健康, 他还在他们的医疗委员会任职.

He is married to Nerissa and they are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, 艾丽莎和安德里亚.

Dr. 奥利的初级保健诊所位于东街105号. Tollison圣.我住在巴克斯利的B套房. 他的病人年龄在13岁及以上,并且正在接受新病人. 预约电话:(912)367-0102.

祝贺博士. 这一杰出成就和他对优质护理的承诺!